4 Tips for Great Looking Nails

Nails are a vital but often overlooked part of your appearance.  A good looking set of nails can enhance almost any style, while untrimmed and uncared for nails can make you look unhealthy and can be a disadvantage.

While regular visits to a professional manicurist are a must, here are some things you can do on your own to keep your nails looking great:

  • Eat well.  What you eat can have an effect on the health of your nails.  Protein (found in meats, eggs, fish, etc.) and iron (found in beef, some breakfast cereals) are minerals that are especially essential for the health of your nails.
  • Moisturize.  Regular use of hand moisturizer—particularly after coming into contact with water and right before going to bed—helps prevent cracking of the skin and nails.
  • Shape your nails.  It’s not enough to just trim your nails to the right length.  After cutting your nails, use a filer, trying to maintain a consistent shape.
  • Choose your nail polish with care.  Don’t just haphazardly throw on the first polish in your makeup kit—a good nail polish should complement the rest of your outfit, so take the time to find just the right color.

At Taylor Andrews, Utah’s premier cosmetology school, we understand that a lot goes into creating a great personal style.  With a truly great style, every aspect of your appearance—your hair, your makeup, your clothes, your nails—works together to create the perfect you.  If you are passionate about cosmetology and making people look their best, contact Taylor Andrews today!

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