BABAK and Keith Bryce coming September 28-30

Multi-award winning photographer BABAK, will be visiting Taylor Andrews September 28th-30th along with renowned clothing designer Keith Bryce from Project Runway. On the 28th they will offer a complimentary 2 hour class for both day and night students. Students and Professionals who have a strong interest in Editorial work can purchase tickets to a two day seminar on the 29th and 30th. Cost of the seminar is $200. For additional information contact Jamee @ 801-748-2288.


I have attended the NAHA's for over ten years now and it seems that almost half of the winning entry's were photographed by Babak. Here are the photos Babak took for NAHA 19's winner in Avante Garde Nicholas French.

Avant garde hair-NAHA-Babak

Keith Bryce is a star on the rise in the fashion world. Since his appearance on Project Runway he has worked with Paris Hilton and Brooke Shields and is currently preparing for Fashion Week.


Some recent work for Keith's Filthy Gorgeous line of clothing.


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