Best Hairstyles from the Oscars

It’s been about a month since the 86th Academy Awards took place on March 2. Hosted by Ellen DeGeneres, the event honored some of the greatest movies, actors, actresses, producers, and more of 2013. Each year a major focus of the Oscars is the style employed by those attending, and how it fits in with the trends of this year. Take a look at some of the best hairstyles from the Oscars this year, and who was able to best pull it off.


Kate Hudson


Kate Hudson presented the award for Best Live Action Short alongside Jason Sudekis. Although she wasn’t there to try for any awards, Hudson’s appearance was stunning. She wore soft simple curls that rested against one shoulder. In addition to this, her blonde hair was complimented with smoky eye make-up that tied the entire look together.


Jennifer Lawrence


Since gaining popularity as the main character in The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence has been one of the most followed celebrities, noted for her looks as well as her personality. Having chopped off her long locks, she had to try out a style that is new to her, but worked to accentuate the beauty of her features. Her hair was pulled back with high volume and waves on top, making a unique but classy look.


Emma Watson


We’ve all watched Emma Watson grow and mature from the first Harry Potter films to The Perks of Being a Wallflower produced last year. Her short cut is beginning to grow out, opening up the possibility of more styles. For the Oscars this year, she wore a skillfully designed messy ponytail, pulling away from her face to bring more attention to the beauty of her features.


  Sandra Bullock


As always, Sandra Bullock pulled off an elegant look that suited her style perfectly. Her long dark hair was pulled to the side, swept in a tumbled look. To complement the other side of her head, she wore bright classy earrings that matched along with her gown. The curls of her hair were large yet soft, giving her a look to be desired.


Some of the best hairstyles come from the trends celebrities set during big award shows. This is especially true when it comes to events such as the Oscars. Take a look at the styles that suit you and try to replicate them for the special events in your life.

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