Kallie Cluff – Featured Student of the Month!


This month Taylor Andrews would like to feature Kallie Cluff as our featured student of the month! Kallie will graduate from cosmetology school this coming July, and is excited to take on the challenges that will follow after school.


Kallie’s favorite thing about cosmetology is getting the chance to color hair. She loves to see the complete makeover that happens, and feels proud to be part of the process. Out of everything she has learned through her experiences at Taylor Andrews, Kallie really feels she excels when it comes to coloring and weaving. Clients will feel confident and comfortable in Kallie’s abilities, knowing she can give them the style they have been looking for.


Out of all the experiences she’s had at Taylor Andrews, Kallie’s favorite has been the hands on classes that are offered. She has had the opportunity to learn from some of the best in the business with the guest teachers that come to our school. They have taught her important cosmetology lessons that will be useful to her as she continues into her career.


After Kallie finishes with Taylor Andrews, she plans on becoming a behind the chair stylist. This will allow her to continue making the small changes that make big differences for her clients. She will continue to perform the best work she always has, making the client her number one priority. Talking with her clients and making sure they are on the same page before starting will be a trait Kallie will carry through the rest of her career, one that she has showed so well during her time at school.
We wish you the best with your career! If you haven’t already, make sure to book an appointment with Kallie before she graduates.







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