Mission Possible – An Incredible Career in 52 weeks (Week 32)

Mission 32 Plan For Success

 Speakers, -Authors and Trainers love to tell you
that there are secrets to success. If you’ll just give me your
money, -I’ll be happy to share them
with you. Well that’s just
bull! There are no secrets. There
is no revolutionary new information. The same things it takes to be successful today are the same things it
has taken throughout history. There are only universal principles and timeless truths and it starts
with a plan. You have to take
control of your future. Use these
ideas to get your plan started;

  1. Where do I want to go?
    Take time to clearly write out your goals and dreams.
  2. What do I need to
    achieve my goal?  Make a list
    of everything you will need.
  3. Imagine all possible roadblocks. Make of list of how to overcome
    them. Be flexible.
  4. Get a mentor. Don’t try to re-invent the
    wheel. Ask humbly for advice
    from those who have already achieved success.
  5. Study the Masters.
  6. Start taking action!
  7. Be persistent. Make
    course corrections.  Keep
    moving forward.
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