3 Things You Should Know Before Going to Cosmetology School

First of all, congratulations! Graduating from high school is a huge accomplishment. Now it is officially time for you to take on the world.

While many of your fellow graduates are aiming to attend an undergraduate university or going straight to a full-time job after high school, your plan and dream is to dedicate your career to making others look and feel their best by becoming a cosmetologist.

Before you attend your first day of cosmetology school, here is some advice to help you smoothly transition and have a successful cosmetology school career

1. Is Cosmetology School Worth It? Yes!

Yes, cosmetology school is worth it, but it’s hard work! You may be drawn to a career in beauty because it looks fun and glamorous. It also may seem easy, after all, how hard is it to wash, dry, cut and color hair?

While cosmetology school is more hands-on and has more flexible hours than a traditional college, it is far from being all fun and games. Although some cosmetology schools have a wide variety of fun and interactive learning  methods, there are still demonstrations, exams, and required working hours you’ll have to take and attend to gain the knowledge and skills required to become a successful beauty professional. You’ll have studying to do and places to be on time. Just like any other career, it requires hard work, dedication, sacrifice and passion.

After you get through your cosmetology program, there is a state board exam all cosmetology school graduates must take and pass. Yes, that’s right, no free ride to your dream job. You must demonstrate your haircutting and make-up application proficiency via an exam before you begin the first step of your career as a cosmetologist.

However, once you get through a credible cosmetology program and attain your license, you will have all the required skills, experience, portfolio to help guide you toward your career goals!

2. Cosmetology School Requires Humility and a Willingness to Learn

Becoming a beauty professional requires more than practice.

The right cosmetology school will teach you the right skills to help make you successful in your beauty career. If you come to school with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, you will have a leg up in graduating on time, passing the licensing exam and finding a salon that is a right fit for you.

3. Cosmetology School Gives an Idea of What Your Career Will Be Like

At a traditional college, students go from one class to the next, while getting little, if any, real-world experience in their field of study. At cosmetology school, the learning is very much hands-on, meaning that you would not only learn the different skills, but actually apply them. Cosmetology schools require each student to complete several work hours on real clients in real salons.

You’ll need to put your knowledge into practice and you’ll get a little taste of what it’s like working as a cosmetologist. Of course you’ll have instructors to mentor you along the way. In the real world, you’ll still be required to hustle and you’ll have to demonstrate humility and patience with demanding, impatient customers.

And of course, cosmetologists must multitask and maintain the balance of working quickly and efficiently, while maintaining personal attention to the customer you’re with at the moment.

Cosmetology school isn’t for everyone, but if you’re passionate and are willing to learn and put in the hard work, time and effort, you’ll have no problem transitioning from high school to cosmetology school and you’ll become a successful cosmetology school graduate in no time.

If you’re looking for a trusted, award-winning cosmetology school to get your beauty career off to a blazing start,  request more information from Taylor Andrews today to learn about our school and to register for upcoming classes!

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